Inspected Certified Guranteed

Fully serviced, certified and comes with 6 months warranty for both parts and labour.

Technical service is key at the CPE. Our technicians examine, repair and clean every instrument available in our website and they issue Leica Geosystems’ quality and warranty certificates once the referenced work procedure is finished. Click here for more details on the Certified Pre-Owned Equipment Service Centre

The Official Leica Geosystems Pre-Owned Equipment Supplier

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If you can’t find the specific kit you require please contact us and we will source it.

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Phone Spain: +34 670.258.680
Any question? Contact Us!



Improve your positioning results with Leica Geosystems GNSS antennas and receivers. The equipment facilitates accurate and reliable results. Usability is ensured thanks to its intuitive user interface in addition to its customisable software. Quality control is issued by technical service. 6 months warranty is included in the package.

GNSS Rover


GNSS Base / Rover

GNSS Construction

GNSS Controllers

GIS Equipment